World leaders urged to act on global warming study

Here are some paragraphs that I have gathered from the article: World leaders urged to act on global warming study

"PARIS (Reuters) - World governments should take heed of the most wide-ranging scientific assessment so far of a human link to global warming and agree prompt action to slow the trend, the chairman of a U.N. climate report said on Monday."

"The report draws on research by 2,500 scientists from more than 130 countries and has taken six years to compile. It is unlikely there will be major changes between the draft and the final conclusions, according to diplomatic sources."

"Thirty-five industrial nations have signed up to the U.N.'s Kyoto Protocol, capping emissions of carbon dioxide."

"The United States pulled out in 2001, arguing Kyoto would cost jobs and wrongly excluded developing nations from goals for 2012. Still, President Bush said last week that climate change was a "serious challenge"."

"The draft report says there is at least a 90 percent probability that human activities are to blame for most of the warming in the past 50 years. The previous report, in 2001, rated the probability at just 66 percent. "

"The U.N. report, the fourth of its kind, is expected to foresee temperatures rising by 2 to 4.5 degrees Celsius (3.6 to 8.1 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels by 2100, with a "best estimate" of 3C (5.4F) rise."

U.S. needs to improve ethanol transport

Just days after Bush had opened his mouth on the issue of ethanol, the head of a U.S. ethanol industry group said on Tuesday that "The United States will need to make big improvements in shipping ethanol from the U.S. heartland -- perhaps even building pipelines from the Midwest to the coasts -- to transport the fuel to markets".

Logical move. Stategy: when a government leader (or any politician who has somekind of influence on democratic practice and economy) say something positive about something you are researching or marketing, you proceed with a decleration that it will take resources to develop an infra structure or just that you strategically want to be a part of the scientific advancement. The logical move is thus a political outcry calling for money. Here is the article from / Science:

U.S. needs to improve ethanol transport

...the industry has fallen behind.
...rail and trucking must be improved.
...I don't think you could do it without some sort of government help.
...shipping ethanol on new lines dedicated fully to ethanol could ease environmental concerns because the fuel, unlike oil or gasoline, is quickly biodegradable.

Bush to address global warming in annual speech

This article on global warming comes from /Science: Bush to address global warming in annual speech.

By reading this article I find that the U.S. on the record will promote a new approach when it comes to issues related to global warming. What the government then does off the record is a completely different thing, however foreign politicians have probably talked some sense into Bush. Here are a few interesting things taken from the article:

Bush has not:

...dropped his opposition to mandatory limits on greenhouse-gas emissions.

On the issue of global warming, Bush has:

...pushed a series of initiatives aimed at encouraging the development of alternative energy sources such as hydrogen and ethanol.
...called U.S. addiction to foreign oil a serious problem that required more spending on new technologies.
...acknowledged last summer that humans exacerbate the problem.

After a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel Bush said he was commited to:

..."promoting new technologies that will promote energy efficiency, and at the same time do a better job of protecting the world's environment."


...the possibility that Bush will unveil a shift on climate policy.